Kamloops Brain Injury Association (KBIA) is excited to announce a new partner to its long-standing Gur Singh Golf Tournament: ARPA Investments.

"KBIA has been running our largest annual fundraiser for 18 years and is proud to partner with community builder, ARPA Investments as we go forward from the pandemic", said Danica Wilkinson, event organizer.
To date, the annual Gur Singh Golf Tournament is one of the largest and longest standing golf tournaments in Kamloops. Dr. Gur Singh, a well-known local surgeon, started the tournament in 2004 as he saw first hand the effects of brain injury and need for additional supports in our community. KBIA has continued the tournament in his legacy since his passing in 2014.
“Our team is both thrilled and honoured to be the presenting sponsor of this incredible fundraiser,” remarked Joshua Knaak, one of the partners of ARPA Investments. “Dr. Singh was an important builder of community. He recognized where there were gaps, and instead of waiting around for someone else to solve a problem, he sought out solutions to make a difference. He was a problem solver and a community advocate, and we are so pleased to support his legacy through our partnership with his golf tournament.”

In an effort to provide funding to KBIA’s brain injury programs, the non-profit organization is asking the community to help support the Gur Singh once again through on-course engagement, auction, and raffle sales.
KBIA, located on Victoria Street, is a small non-profit that works directly with brain injury survivors to help improve their lives living with brain injury. Programs include one-on-one life skills, housing and government assistance, cooking and life-skill classes, and brain injury awareness and education programs.
“It’s exciting to have the tournament supported by such community minded leaders and we look forward to the new opportunities it includes,” Danica adds.
Look for the event September 9th . All details can be found at KBIA.ca.